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Step-by-step Guide to Webflow HubSpot Integration

Step-by-step Guide to Webflow HubSpot Integration

Today businesses require more than just an attractive website, they need tools to seamlessly manage customer relationships, drive marketing efforts, and streamline operations.

This is where the Webflow HubSpot integration comes into play. By integrating Webflow’s strong design capabilities with HubSpot’s robust CRM and marketing automation tools, businesses can create a unified platform that attracts visitors and nurtures them into loyal customers.

In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the entire process of integrating Webflow with HubSpot, from the initial setup to advanced optimisation strategies. 

Why integrate Webflow with HubSpot?

Why integrate Webflow with HubSpot | hubspot capabilities | grorapid labs

Integrating Webflow and HubSpot is more than just a technical connection, it’s about reaping the benefits of the strengths of both platforms to drive business growth. 

Here’s why this integration is essential for businesses looking to optimise their online presence and customer engagement.

Enhanced lead management

By combining Webflow’s design flexibility with HubSpot’s powerful CRM, you can automatically capture leads from your website and manage them within a comprehensive CRM system. 

This ensures that every visitor interaction is tracked, enabling more personalised and effective follow-ups.

Streamlined marketing automation

With Webflow integration with HubSpot, businesses can automate key marketing processes, such as email campaigns and follow-up sequences. 

This means that leads generated through your Webflow site can be nurtured with targeted, automated emails through HubSpot, ensuring no lead falls through the cracks.

Improved Customer Success

Utilising HubSpot for customer success initiatives allows you to monitor customer interactions closely and provide a tailored experience that increases satisfaction and retention.

The integration helps you to use data captured through HubSpot to deliver personalised content and communication, enhancing the overall user experience on your Webflow site.

If you’re looking to avoid common pitfalls, check out our guide on the top 5 issues with Webflow HubSpot integration and their solutions.

Preparing for the Webflow HubSpot integration

Before diving into the integration process, it’s crucial to prepare by confirming that you have all the necessary tools and accounts ready. Proper preparation will make the integration smoother and more effective.

Set up your HubSpot account

To begin, you’ll need an active HubSpot account. If you’re new to HubSpot, you can start with their free CRM software for lead management. 

It offers essential tools for capturing and nurturing leads. Make sure your HubSpot account is fully set up, with the necessary CRM properties configured to handle incoming data from Webflow.

Confirm your Webflow website is ready

Your Webflow site should be live and operational. Check that all forms on your site are correctly set up since these will be key to integrating with HubSpot. 

Assure that the forms are designed to capture the information you need to manage and nurture leads effectively.

Access API keys

The next step involves generating API keys from your HubSpot account. These keys allow Webflow to securely connect with HubSpot, providing the data flows smoothly between the two platforms. 

To generate an API key, navigate to your HubSpot account settings, locate the API key section, and create a new key for integration.

Need help setting up API keys or integrating your systems? Our Analytics, integrations & CRM services team can ensure a smooth and secure connection between Webflow and HubSpot.

Plan your integration

Decide which forms and data points you want to connect between Webflow and HubSpot. Consider what information is most critical for your marketing and CRM processes. 

Planning your integration beforehand will help you avoid issues and ensure that all important data is captured accurately.

Step-by-step guide to Webflow HubSpot integration

Now that you’re prepared, let’s walk through the actual integration process. Follow these steps to connect your Webflow website with HubSpot and start capturing and managing leads seamlessly.

Step 1: Create and configure forms in Webflow

1. Navigate to the page where you want to add a form.

2. Drag and drop the Form Block from the Add Elements panel onto your page.

3. Add fields for Name, Email, and any other information you want to capture. Ensure the fields align with the properties you’ve set up in HubSpot.

For a more detailed guide on integrating forms, check out our detailed guide on how to connect your HubSpot forms to Webflow.

Step 2: Connect Webflow forms to HubSpot

1. In your HubSpot account, go to the Marketplace and search for “Webflow.”

2. Follow the prompts to connect Webflow to HubSpot. This will enable the data from your Webflow forms to be sent directly to HubSpot’s CRM.

3. In Webflow’s Designer, open the Form Settings. Under the Form Action section, select “Send form submissions to HubSpot” and ensure the correct API key is used.

Step 3: Map Webflow form fields to HubSpot properties

1. In HubSpot, navigate to Settings > Properties and create new properties to store the data collected from Webflow forms.

2. Ensure that each form field in Webflow corresponds to the appropriate HubSpot property. This step is crucial to prevent data mismatches and ensure accurate lead capture.

Step 4: Test the integration

1. Once everything is set up, test the integration by submitting a form entry on your Webflow site.

2. Check your HubSpot CRM to ensure that the form submission data is captured accurately and that all fields are correctly populated.

Step 5: Automate workflows in HubSpot

1. In HubSpot, navigate to Automation > Workflows and create a new workflow that triggers when a form submission is received.

If you’re new to workflows, our beginner’s guide to creating workflows in HubSpot is a great starting point.

2. Determine what actions should be triggered, such as sending a welcome email, adding the contact to a nurturing campaign, or notifying your sales team.

3. Once the workflow is set up, activate it and monitor its performance through HubSpot’s analytics tools.

Maximise your workflow automation potential with our expert HubSpot implementation agency. Let us help you streamline your processes and boost efficiency.

Optimising the integration for marketing

With your Webflow HubSpot integration up and running, the next step is optimising it for maximum marketing effectiveness. HubSpot’s strong tools allow you to elevate your lead management and customer engagement. 

Here’s how to make the most of your integration:

Utilise HubSpot's CRM for targeted campaigns.

With the integration in place, you can utilise HubSpot’s marketing CRM to segment your leads and create targeted marketing campaigns. 

By analysing the data captured through Webflow forms, you can group leads based on factors like behavior, demographics, or engagement level. 

This allows you to send personalised messages that resonate with specific audience segments, increasing the chances of conversion.

Automate your email campaigns

One of the most powerful features of HubSpot is its ability to automate email campaigns. With the data captured from your Webflow site, you can set up automated email sequences that nurture leads over time. 

For example, after a user submits a form on your Webflow site, HubSpot can automatically send a series of follow-up emails designed to move them down the sales funnel. 

This automation ensures that your leads are continuously engaged without the need for manual intervention.

Track and analyse performance

HubSpot’s analytics tools provide valuable insights into how your integrated system is performing. 

You can track key metrics such as form submissions, email open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates directly within HubSpot. 

By regularly reviewing these metrics, you can identify what’s working and what needs improvement, allowing you to optimise your marketing strategies for better results.

Ensure your analytics are set up for success. Our Google Analytics (GA4) setup services can help you track key metrics and optimise your marketing strategies.

Enhance personalisation with HubSpot’s features

With HubSpot for customer success, you can deliver a more personalised experience to your users. 

Use the data collected through HubSpot to tailor website content and marketing messages based on individual user preferences and behaviors. 

This approach not only improves user experience but also boosts conversion rates by delivering the right information at the right time.

For more insights, explore how you can optimise your sales pipeline in HubSpot to drive better results.

Advanced tips for Webflow HubSpot integration

For those looking to maximise the potential of their Webflow HubSpot integration, exploring advanced techniques can offer significant advantages. 

Here are some expert tips to take your integration to the next level.

Use custom scripts for better functionality

For more complex needs, consider using custom scripts within Webflow to extend the functionality of your integration. 

For instance, you can create scripts that track specific user interactions on your Webflow site and send this data to HubSpot. 

This additional data can be invaluable for refining your marketing campaigns and understanding user behavior in more detail.

Leverage HubSpot’s API for custom integrations

If your business requires more specialised integrations, HubSpot’s API offers the flexibility to connect with other tools and platforms. 

By using the API, you can automate even more aspects of your business, such as syncing data between HubSpot and other CRM systems or automating complex workflows that involve multiple tools. 

This level of customisation allows you to create an integration that perfectly aligns with your business needs.

Integrate additional tools for extended automation

Beyond Webflow and HubSpot, consider integrating other tools into your marketing stack to extend the capabilities of your automation processes. 

For example, using a tool like Zapier, you can connect HubSpot with other platforms such as Google Sheets, Slack, or even project management tools like Trello. 

This enables you to create multi-step workflows that automate tasks across different platforms, saving time and reducing the potential for human error.

Looking for advanced customisations? Our custom application development company can build bespoke solutions that perfectly align with your business needs.

Fixing common Webflow HubSpot integration issues

Even with a well-planned integration, issues can arise. Here are some common problems you might encounter with your Webflow HubSpot integration, along with practical solutions.

Struggling with integration issues? Our HubSpot consulting agency is here to troubleshoot and provide tailored solutions for a seamless Webflow HubSpot integration.

Form submissions not appearing in HubSpot

This is a common issue where submissions made through Webflow forms do not show up in HubSpot.


Ensure that the API key used for the integration is valid and that the form fields in Webflow are correctly mapped to the corresponding properties in HubSpot. 

Regularly test the forms by submitting data to verify that the integration is functioning correctly.

Incorrect data capture

If data from Webflow forms is not accurately reflected in HubSpot, it could be due to misaligned form field mappings or data format issues.


Review and refine the mapping of form fields between Webflow and HubSpot. 

Make sure all data fields in Webflow align with the corresponding fields in HubSpot, and validate the data formats to prevent mismatches.

Synchronisation delays

Synchronisation issues occur when there is a delay or failure in the real-time syncing of data between Webflow and HubSpot.


Use a reliable automation tool like Zapier to facilitate real-time data syncing. 

Regularly update and maintain the sync settings to ensure continuous data flow, and set up monitoring systems to alert you to any sync failures.

Form embedding problems

Form embedding issues can arise when HubSpot forms do not display or function correctly on a Webflow site.


Ensure that the HubSpot form's embed code is correctly implemented in Webflow. Verify that all necessary scripts are included and that there are no JavaScript errors. 

Test the form on various devices to ensure it displays and functions correctly.

By following this comprehensive guide, you’ve not only learned how to set up the integration but also how to optimise and troubleshoot it for maximum effectiveness.

Now that you’ve completed your Webflow HubSpot integration, it’s time to put it to work. 

Start by automating your marketing campaigns, tracking your performance, and continuously refining your strategies. As your business grows, consider exploring more advanced features and customisations to fully leverage the power of these platforms.

If you need further assistance or want to explore advanced customisation options, consider reaching out to a HubSpot development agency. 

Ready to take your Webflow HubSpot integration to the next level? 

Contact us today to schedule a free 30-minute consultation with our HubSpot experts and discover how we can help you optimise your integration for better business results.

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