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Scaling HubSpot Workflows Across Business Locations

Scaling HubSpot Workflows Across Business Locations

As a business opens more regional locations, such as a retailer expanding to new stores nationwide, managing marketing workflows gets exponentially more complicated. But creating personalized engagement for each market doesn’t have to mean scramble. You can centrally govern workflows across all centers with two savvy HubSpot solutions.

The problem: How to govern workflows in a rapidly scaling business

Imagine you begin with one home office using HubSpot to drive 500 leads through a set lifecycle workflow which generates $2M revenue annually. As you open second and third locations in new markets, lead volume can jump 5x. You now need location-specific landing pages, email content, and reports. But if you duplicate the core workflow five times with regional personalization layered on top, governance spirals quickly. Even minor tweaks mean updating 6 separate HubSpot workflows x 10+ modules in each flow.

A smearable solution: Custom properties + Centralized workflow manager

This complexity can be solved by using:

  • Custom properties to assign contacts to geo markets while maintaining a universal database and
  • An intelligent HubSpot workflow manager module to govern rules, trigger enrollment, and provide a dashboard of all locations’ workflows to enable high-level control.

How to streamline and scale management?

With those solutions framed, here are 5 essential tips to then streamline governance as locations multiply:

  • Create documentation on custom property usage so universal logic is sustainable as team grows
  • Structure flows modularly allowing regions to dictate order while following centralized standards
  • Build 1 dashboard for cross-location data instead of disparate reports per region
  • Personalize via new market naming conventions and property tokens universally
  • Continuously monitor workflows via manager testing capabilities to ensure optimal enrollments

We can help you build scalable processes for multi-location workflow governance.

Amplifying the Power Together: Universal properties segment while the manager module activates. For example, when San Francisco lead gets tagged as CA market, the manager would place them into the West Cost nurturing workflow series as well as update the region-specific dashboard metrics. This empowers granular targeting without losing cohesion.

By understanding custom properties as flexible virtual labels and the workflow manager module as process operator, organizations can better leverage these integral solutions for simplifying governance in multi-location HubSpot instances at scale.

Want to streamline your workflow management across locations? Let's talk!

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